Become a 'Wild Guardian' today
Nature is everyone's business
Become a Wild Guardian today and make it your business.
Safeguard your own 'Patch of Wild' with the Whole Wild World 'Wild Guardian's Fund'. Meet your sustainability goals; offset your carbon & join the Carbon Revolution HERE

Let's work together

Climate change:
Reforestation and land restoration is scientifically proven to be one of the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation. Restoring and protecting native forests and habitats not only helps to fight climate change, it also creates a safe haven for wildlife and encourages biodiversity through healthy, balanced ecosystems.
Carbon offsetting:
To reverse climate change we need to reduce our use of carbon-based energy and restore wild ecosystems that store carbon. Rewilding landscapes and native species can
effectively help to reverse the effects of Climate Change.
Find out how Carbon Offsetting can help your business and join the Carbon Revolution HERE
Saving species:
Rewilding aims to restore ecosystems. Key species are protected and where practical and necessary, reintroduced.
Meet your sustainable development goals:
Habitat restoration and rewilding is a robust solution to many of
the environmental issues facing the world today. Creating and
protecting more wild spaces is not only good for the climate,
species survival and the environment, it has also been proven to
be good for our health too! Not only that, local communities can
benefit from nature-based tourism opportunities and a revival of
rural communities and educational opportunities.

Become a First Guardian today!
£2,000 will safeguard 5,000m2 of wilderness and wildlife and will provide a home and food for:
Wild Sorraia horses, deer, wild rabbits, a family of otters, vultures, reptiles, wild boar and the critically endangered Iberian lynx.
First Guardians will be given the opportunity to visit the site & be one of the first to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the wild.
Why not sponsor one of our Sorraia mares, or stallion. Your team will have the opportunity to see the horses released into the site and even name your sponsored steed!

Our herd of endangered, native Sorraia horses are waiting to be transported to our foundation site in the Algarve.
These wild horses have the crucial task of clearing dry vegetation to make way for other species. Large herbivores, like horses are crucial for fire prevention in areas such as the Algarve, where dry brush is a hazard waiting to happen. You can be part of the solution.
You and your company can help us to make this happen, by sponsoring one or all of our horses.
With only an estimated 200 of this breed left in the world, it is crucial that projects like this work together to preserve this important native wild horse breed. Our stallion has already sired many foals and is ready and waiting to meet some new mares to form our foundation sites first breeding herd.
You can help to make this happen! Contact us to find out more.
Sponsor a wild Sorraia horse!